The Planning Process

The Hatfield Comprehensive Plan is proposed as a two-year project, with the first year focused on elements to “set the table” with residents and businesses.  There are major considerations for our Town and a longer time frame enables us to ensure that our planning response is grounded in a more inclusive and thoughtful process.

Elements in the first year (2022-2023) involve the following:

• Organizing the Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC). The CPC serves as a steering committee for the project and identifies members who will serve as “captains” for each plan chapter
• Holding regular meetings with the CPC, providing an opportunity for all residents to learn about the project
• Developing a Comprehensive Plan website where all documents are shared among the members and interested residents
• Assembling data and mapping across planning chapters to inform visioning and planning conversations
• Conducting surveys and listening sessions that seek input from three key audiences – youth, older residents, and farmers. All residents will have an opportunity to respond to a survey.
• Identifying Connecticut River flood impacts on Hatfield based on projections that can be calculated from existing analyses
• Providing workshops for town staff and interested residents related to diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Delivering a specialized climate curriculum program for students and teachers
• Recruiting 5 to 7 individuals to join in chapter working groups with their “chapter captain” from the Comprehensive Plan Committee
• Conducting two community meetings to learn, explore and identify big ideas and vision for actions to be addressed through each chapter

Elements in the second year (2023-2024), will involve the following:

• Conducting chapter working group meetings related to each plan chapter
• Drafting each chapter with photos and illustrations
• Holding monthly meetings of the Comprehensive Plan Committee to review highlights from chapter working group meetings toward identifying important threads, themes, and highest priority actions for the Town
• Research and identify climate resilient farming practices and incentives that could work for Hatfield and then conduct workshop for farmers on resilient farming approaches
• Regulatory review of existing code that includes recommendations on farmland protection, housing production, development standards, and age-friendly elements
• Organizing listening sessions around draft plan chapters
• Finalizing draft plan chapters


For more information on the Hatfield Comprehensive Plan, contact

Kenneth Comia, AICP, Deputy Director Land Use and Environment,

Patty Gambarini, Chief Environment Planner,

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission

60 Congress Street - Floor 1

Springfield, MA 01104